Central Service 01

X-ray spectroscopy (S01)

  • Project leader(s)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Plietker
Prof. Dr. Bernd Plietker
TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer
University of Paderborn
  • Summary
  • Publications

X-ray analysis in project S1 will comprise of XANES, EXAFS, HERFD-XANES, vtc-XES, and ctc-XES measurements. These methods provide information about the oxidation state (XANES), local structural parameters around an X-ray absorbing metal center (EXAFS), the LUMO (HERFD-XANES) and HOMO (vtc-XES) states of the complexes under investigation and their spin state (ctc-XES) without the need for any translational symmetry. Using this hard X-ray bunch of methods in combination with theoretical calculations (project C4), all relevant information to understand the structure and working principle of molecular heterogeneous catalysts in projects B1-B3 in situ as well as in operando can be obtained.