
All Publications

181 publications found:

Manipulate – techniques to manipulate the surroundings of a synthetic catalyst to control activity and selectivity: general discussion

Manipulate – techniques to manipulate the surroundings of a synthetic catalyst to control activity and selectivity: general discussion

T. Beweries, M. R. Buchmeiser, N. R. Champness, M. Costas, A.  Duhme-Klair, J. Echeverría, O. Eisenstein, C. T. J. Ferguson, J. C. Goodall, R. Gramage-Doria, M. Gyton, R. Ham, S. Herres-Pawlis, Ch. L. Johnson, P. Kennepohl, B. Lewandowski, P. R. Linnebank, S. A. Macgregor, K. T. Mahmudov, E. Meeus, M. Navarro, P. Ntola, T. N. Parac-Vogt, R. N. Perutz, A. Poater, D. C. Powers, S. Pullen, P. R. Raithby, Joost N. H. Reek, T. R. Ward, A. S. Weller and H. Wennemers

         Faraday Discuss., 2023, 244, 96-118.

Make – underpinning concepts of the synthesis of systems where non-covalent interactions are important: general discussion

Make – underpinning concepts of the synthesis of systems where non-covalent interactions are important: general discussion

T. Beweries, M. R. Buchmeiser, F. E. Bugden, N. R. Champness, B. Chanbasha, M. Costas, J. Echeverria,   O. Eisenstein,   C. Ferguson,   J. C. Goodall, R. Gramage-Doria, M. Greenhalgh,   M. Gyton,   R. Ham,   P. Kennepohl,   B. Lewandowski,   W.-Ch. Liu,   S. A. Macgregor,   K. T. Mahmudov, E. Meeus,   J. Morris,   P. Ntola,   T. N. Parac-Vogt,   R. N. Perutz,   A. Poater, D. Powers,   P. R. Raithby, J. N. H. Reek,   I. Riddell,   T. R. Ward,   A. S. Weller  and  H. Wennemers

       Faraday Discuss., 2023, 244, 434-454.

Comparative study of lattice parameter and pore size of ordered mesoporous silica materials using physisorption, SAXS measurements and transmission electron microscopy

Comparative study of lattice parameter and pore size of ordered mesoporous silica materials using physisorption, SAXS measurements and transmission electron microscopy

A.-K. Beurer, S. Dieterich, H. Solodenko, E. Kaya, N. Merdanoǧlu, G. Schmitz, Y. Traa and J. R. Bruckner Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2023, 354, 112508.                                 The publication can be downloaded free of charge and without registration until May 11, 2023 via the following link: