Central Service 01

Central tasks (Z01)

  • Project leader(s)
  • Team
Prof. Dr. Michael Buchmeiser
Prof. Dr. Michael Buchmeiser
Institute of Polymer Chemistry
Dr. Dorothea Häussermann
Dr. Dorothea Häussermann
University of Stuttgart
Dr. Elisabeth Rüthlein
Dr. Elisabeth Rüthlein
University of Stuttgart
Yasemin Polikar, MBA
Yasemin Polikar, MBA
University of Stuttgart
Kamila Parastatidou
Kamila Parastatidou
University of Stuttgart
  • Summary

Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Center

Project Z01 is responsible for all central coordination, financial administration, project management, events, equal opportunity activities and public relations of the CRC 1333. The management team coordinates activities with project INF and MGK and is the first contact for all guests and national and international partners. Central CRC 1333 events in the second funding period will include the CRC colloquium series, annual status meetings, summer schools and our biweekly graduate seminar. The highlight of the second funding period will be an international symposium taking place in 2024 and a science exhibition taking place in 2025, showcasing the CRC’s research and its its significance for society.