Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Felix

CRC 1333 researcher Felix Fischer from project S1 has successfully applied for funding to do research in a laboratory in the USA. The CRC board approved his application for funding within theĀ  CRC 1333-funding program for docotoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”.

Felix will be staying there for three months at the University of Rochester (Rochester, NY, USA) in the working group of Prof. Dr. Michael Neidig.

Professor Neidigā€™s research interests fall within the areas of organometallic chemistry, non-precious metal catalysis in organic synthesis and f-element chemistry. His great expertise in spectroscopic analysis contributes to many collaborations around the world concentrating on the direct-molecular-level-insight into catalytic transformations with detailed understanding of active catalyst structure as well as ligand and additive effects. The spectroscopic knowledge in the Neidig Group comprises NMR and EPR spectroscopy and additionally Raman, UV-Vis, Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) as well as MĆ¶ĆŸbauer spectroscopy. Especially the last three techniques represent an attractive support of the X-ray spectroscopy performed in project S1 gaining further information about the transition metal complexes used in the CRC 1333.

Felix’s goal is to start with the introduction into the measuring process of MĆ¶ĆŸbauer spectroscopy as well as the interpretation of the measured spectroscopic data. After the acquisition of this knowledge, different iron catalysts, that are planned to be immobilized within the project B1, will be analyzed. In addition, an introduction into the theoretical and practical aspects of UV-Vis and MCD spectroscopy will be part of the research stay in the Neidig group in order to incorporate these powerful spectroscopic tools in future investigations of reaction mechanisms and transition metal complexes.

We wish Felix all the best for his research in the USA!