CRC 1333 Science Exhibition Workshop

What is the best way to make the general public aware of chemical catalysis and its relevance?
How can we share our excitement about catalysis in confinement as a key concept to enable more sustainable production processes? These were the central questions of our half-day creative workshop on July 10, 2023.

After an initial online workshop in mid-June 2023, the members of the CRC 1333 team met on July 10, 2023 for a half-day, face-to-face creative workshop together with the science communication agency Sciencebirds. The goal was to explore these questions in more depth and work on the initial results from the online workshop. Finally, we wanted to develop exhibits for a first CRC 1333 Science Exhibition at the Stuttgart Rathaus in early 2025. 

Prof. Buchmeiser, spokesperson of CRC 1333, first gave a brief overview of the research concept of CRC 1333, followed by Prof. Joris van Slageren presenting the results of our mentimeter survey with the question:  “What can we do that no one else can?”

Thereby, we extracted key messages about the CRC 1333 that we want to present in the exhibition.

Subsequently, the participants worked on exhibit ideas in smaller groups, including the creation of some prototypes, which were presented at the end.

Thank you for the dedication and creativity of the CRC 1333 team members! It was a very successful and resourceful half-day workshop. The planning process for each exhibit is ongoing and will continue through further interviews and discussions.

Stay tuned for more information!