From School to Studies – Career Orientation Internships at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Stuttgart

From April 24 until April 28, 2023, the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Stuttgart opened its doors and welcomed 13 teenagers for their so called “BOGY-internships”. “BOGY”-internships are voluntary 1-week internships that serve for career orientation of pupils in grade 10 of Gymnasium. At the Faculty of Chemistry, home faculty to more than … Read more

Doctoral Defense of Mario Winkler

On May 16th, 2023 Mario Winkler defended his dissertation to earn his doctoral degree. Mario’s thesis incorporated his work on “The Electronic and Geometrie Structure of Chemically lmmobilised Catalysts in Mesopores”. During his defense, he also successfully mastered a final task: he had to play a recognizable song on the guitar, using all the parts … Read more

Talk of Sofia Kolin at NHR@FAU Results Symposium in Erlangen

CRC1333 project leader Kristyna Pluhackova and researcher Sofia Kolin (project A08) were invited by the NHR@FAU to present their research results at the NHR@FAU Results Symposium on March 16, 2023 at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen-Nürnberg. During the event, Sofia held a presentation on her findings on the “Nanoseparation of Solvent Mixtures induced by Diffusion in … Read more

New Infrared Spectrometer in Glovebox

Exciting new delivery: we are very happy to have this new equipment within the CRC1333.   We look forward to saving time in the lab from now on measuring our air senstive samples with the new infrared spectrometer in a glovebox.   

Tag der Wissenschaft / Science Day 2023

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, Tag der Wissenschaft / Science Day 2023 took place. The University of Stuttgart opened its doors to many interested visitors at the Vaihingen campus to experience research up-close. At our CRC1333 booth, CRC 1333 researchers explained the relevance of our research, its general idea and offered visitors several exciting opportunities … Read more

Girls’ Day 2023 at the Institutes of Chemistry

Girls’ Day is an initiative to motivate female students (and those who identify as female) to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics (STEM) by giving them the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in these fields. Three exciting workshops were offered at the Department of Chemistry this year, all were conducted in German. In … Read more

Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Sofia

CRC 1333 researcher Sofia Kolin from project A08 has successfully applied for funding to do research in Australia. The CRC board approved her application for funding within the CRC 1333-funding program for docotoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”. Sofia will be staying at the University of Adelaide in Australia for three months starting in November 2023, to … Read more

Doctoral Defense of Charlotte Vogler

Charlotte Vogler at her doctoral defense

On April 25th, 2023 Charlotte Vogler defended her dissertation to earn her doctoral degree. Charlotte’s thesis incorporated her work on “Dualkatalytische Synthese von maßgeschneiderten Reverse Pluronics zur Herstellung von geordneten, mesoporösen Kohlenstoff- und Silikamaterialien”. Congratulations on your achievement, Charlotte and best wishes for your career path!  

Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Torsten

CRC 1333 researcher M. Sc. Torsten Giess from our project INF has successfully applied for funding to do research in South Africa. The CRC board approved his application for funding within the CRC 1333 funding program for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”. Torsten will be staying there for two months at Stellenbosch University … Read more

“Summer” School 2023

CRC 1333 “Summer” School 2023 took place from March 01 to March 03, 2023 in a snowy setting in Schwangau. Our Doctoral Representatives Zarfishan Dilruba (A08) and Kuan Meng (C03) organized the meeting in this marvelous setting and we all enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the Outward Bound seminar house “Adlerhorst” and the magnificent views … Read more