Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Patricia

CRC 1333 researcher Patricia Sonnenberg from project B07 has successfully applied for funding to do research in Japan. The CRC board approved her application for funding within the CRC 1333-funding program for docotoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”. Patricia will be staying at the University of Osaka in Japan for two months starting in February 2025, to … Read more

Girls’ Day 2024

On April 25, 2024 we welcomed five 9th grade students, who participated in our Girls’ Day Workshop “Entdecke die Welt der Kunststoffe!”, organized by the CRC 1333 and the Institute of Polymer Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart. After an overview of the basics of plastics production and processing along with some insights on the … Read more

CRC 1333 Bachelor & Master Prize 2023

Congratulations to Carina Herrle for winning the CRC 1333 Bachelor Prize for 2023. Her bachelor thesis on “Ordered mesoporous metal oxides via true liquid crystal templating: synthesis and characterization“, carried out at the University of Stuttgart, Department of Physical Chemistry in the working group of Dr. Johanna Bruckner, has impressed the CRC 1333 board. Carina … Read more

Research Stay Abroad – Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks

CRC 1333 researcher Sofia Kolin (project A08) visited Dr. Jack Evans and his team at the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology at the University of Adelaide, Australia, from November 2023 to February 2024 to work on her research project “Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks”. In the CRC 1333, all doctoral … Read more

CRC 1333 Colloquia Winter Term 2023/24

We look back on a very successful CRC 1333 Colloquia Winter Term 2023/24 series and would like to thank all of our guests for sharing their expertise with our team members. We started the term with a talk by Prof. Kazushi Mashima from the Osaka University in Japan. He shared his extensive insights on “Activation … Read more

(Self-)Leadership Program for CRC 1333 Female Scientists

We are very excited to once again offer a leadership program specifically for our CRC 1333 female scientists. The seminars will be held by Dr. Sabine Horst from the coaching agency QuinteSentio and have been developed in cooperation with the CRC 1333 to best meet the needs of the participants. The (Self-) Leadership Program consists … Read more

Research Stay Abroad – Sofia Kolin

  CRC 1333 researcher Sofia Kolin from project A08 is currently at the University of Adelaide in Australia working on her research project “Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks” in the group of Dr. Jack Evans. Her three-month stay in Australia is funded by the CRC 1333 “Research Stay Abroad” program for … Read more

Call for Applications – FAIR4Chem Award 2024

The application period for the FAIR4Chem Award 2024 runs from September 1 until November 17, 2023. What is the FAIR4Chem Award? The FAIR4Chem Award honours researchers in chemistry who publish their research data. The award is given for published chemistry research datasets that best meet the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and thus make a … Read more