New Publication: Asymmetric Catalysis in Liquid Confinement

Congratulations to the groups of Prof. Laschat (Project B03) and Prof. Sottmann (Project A07) who have just published their newest results in Chemistry – A European Journal.

“Asymmetric Catalysis in Liquid Confinement: Probing the Performance of Novel Chiral Rhodium Diene Complexes in Microemulsions and Conventional Solvents”
M. Deimling, M. Kirchhof, B. Schwager, Y. Qawasmi, A. Savin, T. Mühlhäuser, W. Frey, B. Claasen, A. Baro, T. Sottmann, S. Laschat,

Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 10.1002/chem.201900947.

It will be published within the special edition of the journal for the conference “Organometallic Catalysis Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS)”.

Please find the submitted version of the article free of charge on the Laschat group page here.