Leadership Seminars for Female Scientists

The Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 1333 of University of Stuttgart together with the Athena FKF group offer a seminar series on leadership for scientists. The main target group are female scientists. The seminars will be held by Dr. Sabine Horst from the coaching agency Quintesentio (link). Additional topics will follow in 2020 according to feedback of Athena FKF and SFB members.

For registration please contact Dr. Elisabeth Rüthlein by June 17th, 2019.
The leadership courses qualify as non-scientific courses in the individual qualification program required by the “Promotionsordnung” and GRADUS.
You will receive a participation certificate after the course.

Module 1: Effective and successful communication (1 day)
Time:   29. July 2019, 08:30 AM-4:30 PM (booked)
Place:  Pfaffenwaldring 55, Room 1.814

Relevant professional situations:
Communication is a fundamental topic to all professional situations and contexts – “You can not not communicate.” (Paul Watzlawick)

Participants develop an awareness and understanding for effectiveness and success in communication. They reflect on their personal communication behaviors and styles and their effects on different addressees and target groups. They learn adequate aim-oriented communication strategies and techniques for different communication situations, aims and means of communication. Depending on the interest of participants we highlight effective meetings and email communication.

Module 2: Misunderstandings, dealing with conflicts (2 days)
Time:     11. + 18. September 2019, 08:30 AM- 04:30 PM
Place:    Uni Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen

Relevant professional situations:
Misunderstandings and conflicts occur in almost all communication situations. In this module we focus on a more general view including how misunderstandings arise and escalate into conflicts as well as on conflict cultures, personalities and individual strategies to avoid and to deal with conflicts. In other modules following, this awareness and general understanding will be applied to concrete situations and solution strategies. But to be able to it is vital to first understand the roots.

Participants understand different sources for and qualities of misunderstandings, critical incidents and conflict escalations. They learn about the relevance of different types of conflicts and levels of conflict escalations for adequate findings of solution and de-escalation strategies. They reflect their own personal conflict behavior patterns, their roots and the correlation between inner and external conflicts. Participants learn to solve inner conflicts, to develop inner clarity and also about conflict-avoiding and -provoking communication elements.