Group Seminar: Who am I when and where?

During two half-day sessions on April 13th and April 29th, 2021 our female doctoral researchers had a chance to have the online group seminar: Who am I when and where? The Challenge of Acting in Different Roles: Mindful (Self-)Leadership.

During the seminar, participants discussed the different roles they take on for others and which expectations are connected with each role. One of the main questions was: when do the roles and expectations come into conflict with each other? The consensus amongst participants was that the highest expectations usually come from their doctoral supervisor. Another issue they tackled was the conflict between personal life and obtaining a PhD. Since a doctoral researcher can never completely switch off in their free time, they take a lot of work home with them. This is one of the differences from a regular 9-5 job.

Methodically, they used a “Role Compass” to discuss which expectations regarding a role come from inside and were results of one’s own thinking and which ones came from outside. Further discussion points were: what belongs to my tasks, what does not? What motivates me, what holds me back? Within a team, which role corresponds to my strengths? Do you see yourself more as a coordinator, a team player, a specialist?
By addressing these questions, participants worked on individual approaches to solutions.