CRC 1333 ELN – Users wanted!

The electronic lab notebook (ELN) of CRC 1333, Chemotion is up and running and has been used for a few months now successfully by our first test users Felix Ziegler (B02) and Mario Winkler (C02).

Thank you to those two for testing and especially thank you to our CRC-Hiwi Fabian Zills for the implementation of Chemotion on our server!

Now, all CRC scientists are cordially invited to test and use the software for their daily work.

Please find more info here  and login info here (internal Login to CRC member area required).

All CRC scientists please create an account by 04. September 2020.  We will then generate groups, that will make it easy for collaborators and colleagues to share their data with you.

If you plan to use Chemotion regularly, please also let the CRC office know by 04. September 2020. We would then like to implement automatic updates of analytical data for your work routine.

To facilitate your start with the ELN, we will have an obligatory workshop on Chemotion by a Chemotion expert from KIT in the fall. There, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the software that are specific for your work. As the software is still being developed, the workshop can also be a forum to ask for missing functionality that you would need to make it useful for your daily work.

To be able to do so, please start testing the software for your use case as soon as possible!

As soon as a date is fixed we will circulate the information within the community.

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact Fabian Zills

For user questions Felix and Mario kindly offer their help. Please contact them directly or post your question via Slack, #chemotion-eln.