Corona-Update: CRC events

Due to the current situation we need to change the format of the following upcoming CRC events:

Summer School 2020 – 21.-23.09.2020

“CataLysis” – CRC-Networking event – 30.09./01.10.2020

Status Meeting 2020 – 05.-07.10.2020

Currently business trips should be avoided and for meetings at University of Stuttgart only restricted numbers of participants are allowed. Therefore, all events will either take place semi-virtually or completely virtually. The non-virtual parts of the events will be on campus.

We cordially invite all PhDs/ Postdocs to join the Summer School in person and all PIs to join the Status Meeting in person.

If this is not possible due to your individual situation there will always be the possibility to join virtually. In this case, please let me know so I can provide you with the meeting link.

The CRC-Networking event “CataLysis” will take place completely online.

For all three events we will need one poster per CRC-project. PhDs/Postdocs of each project, please submit an abstract (Word File, template attached) by 31.08.2020.

For the online poster sessions at “CataLysis” and at the Status Meeting we will also need the poster itself (PDF file) until 15. September 2020.

Please submit the files to sfb1333[at]

Please find more information on each individual events page.