We are very delighted to announce that the DFG and the University of Stuttgart have approved funding for our new 500 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer with four frequency channels capable of efficient measurement of double and triple resonance spectra. Within the CRC 1333, we will use this new device for materials characterization, catalyst characterization, and diffusion studies.

A 400 MHz Solid State NMR has been already available at the Institute of Technical Chemistry (ITC) and delivered important insights during our first funding period, e.g. on spatial distribution of catalysts. With the new 500 MHz spectrometer, capabilities can be extended and we will be able to measure much faster and with higher resolution.
The spectrometer will be operated within the group of the main applicant, Jun.-Prof. Deven Estes from the ITC as instrument manager in close collaboration with the co applicants:
- Dr. Michael Dyballa, Assistant Manager of the spectrometer, Institute of Technical Chemistry, (Project C01)
- Prof. Michael Buchmeiser, Institute of Polymer Chemistry (Projects B02, B04, B06)
- Prof. Biprajit Sarkar, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Project C02)
- Prof. Sabine Laschat, Institute of Organic Chemistry, (Project A08)
The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry will provide space for the spectrometer and a technician from Project A04 of CRC 1333 will help with the maintenance.
We thank Deven and the co-applicants for their efforts and look forward to new and exciting insights into our catalysts and materials!