Lecture and Discussion – Melanie Bittner
We are very happy to welcome: Melanie Bittner Thursday, May 16, 2024, 12:00– 13:00 pm “The Myth of Meritocracy” Lecture: The Myth of Meritocracy Leaky pipeline, glass…
CRC1333 Minisymposium
CRC 1333 MINISYMPOSIUM “CATALYSIS UNDER CONFINEMENT“ The Collaborative Research Center 1333 – “Molecular heterogeneous catalysis in confined geometries” started in July 2018. We aim to identify and understand…
Leadership Training: Online Series on “Mindset and Inner Work” – Acceptance
Lecturer: Dr. Sabine Horst Mastering challenges and demanding situations and remaining stable in stressful situations requires special skills. Especially in crisis situations. This ability to remain physically and…
Girl’s Day 2024
Every year, Girl's Day offers girls and those who identify as girls the opportunity to get a taste of careers in which women tend to be underrepresented. The…
Milestone Presentation – M. Sc. Jan-André Böth
The milestone presentation of the CRC 1333 - Integrated Research Training Group will be held by Jan-André Böth from Department of Chemistry Philipps University of Marburg. Monday, April…
Leadership Training: Who and how am I in my academic role? – Mindful (Self-)Leadership
Module: Who and how am I in my academic role? – Mindful (Self-)Leadership Lecturer: Dr. Sabine Horst Relevant professional situations: Mindful self-leadership is an overarching topic (and competence)…
CRC 1333 Colloquium: Prof. Bernd Flemisch
We are very happy to welcome within the CRC 1333 Colloquium Series: Prof. Bernd Flemisch Thursday, April 18, 2024, 2:00-3:00 pm IWS, University of Stuttgart Topic: "A Sustainable Infrastructure…
Milestone Presentation – M. Sc. Henrik Stooß
The milestone presentation of the CRC 1333 - Integrated Research Training Group will be held by Henrik Stooß from Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science University of Stuttgart. Monday,…