Leadership Training: Who and how am I in my academic role? – Mindful (Self-)Leadership

8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Medienhaus Stuttgart
Mörikestr. 67
70199 Stuttgart

Module: Who and how am I in my academic role? – Mindful (Self-)Leadership

Lecturer: Dr. Sabine Horst

Relevant professional situations:
Mindful self-leadership is an overarching topic (and competence) covering personal mindset, attitude and inner values as core of self-management and -organisation.

Participants learn about the neuroscientific background of the effect of mindfulness. On this basis they learn to understand their personal “trigger-reaction-patterns” (e.g. on conferences, in meetings, in feedbacks with students …). They reflect their own mindset and attitudes, their “inner critic” and self-confidence. They develop an awareness for emotional intelligence and how to feel and interpret body senses and signals for their well-being and health. This module is intended to be more an overview of relevant self-management topics and skills and therefore only touches them. The practice-oriented work on individual aspects and deep dives take place in the following modules.

The workshop will take place in English.

All female CRC 1333 scientists are cordially invited.

The registration deadline is 4 weeks in advance.
The link for registration will be provided by e-mail or on request.