Tag der Wissenschaft / Science Day 2023

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, Tag der Wissenschaft / Science Day 2023 took place. The University of Stuttgart opened its doors to many interested visitors at the Vaihingen campus to experience research up-close.

At our CRC1333 booth, CRC 1333 researchers explained the relevance of our research, its general idea and offered visitors several exciting opportunities to experience it hands-on. 

The CRC1333 booth in action. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar
Part of the CRC1333 Team, from left to right: Patrick Probst, Timo Manitz, Erik Wimmer, Sofia Kolin, Yasemin Polikar & Elisabeth Rüthlein, Photo Credit: CRC1333/Patrick Probst

Children and adults could learn more about catalysis in nature by conducting an experiment with catalase and hydrogen peroxide on raw and boiled potatoes. The raw potatoes showed a bubbling reaction caused by catalase, an enzyme within the potato, while breaking hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. In the boiled potatoes the enzyme was destroyed and therefore no reaction took place.

Using a pipette, hydrogene peroxide is being collected. Photo credit: University of Stuttgart
Hydrogen Peroxide is dropped on both, the raw and the cooked potatoe. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar
A foamy reaction is seen on the left side (raw potatoe), while there is no reaction on the right side (cooked potatoe). Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar

Children could also build their own metalorganic framework by using a building kit consisting of octahedral nodes and linear pieces of tubing. The goal was to form a threedimensional structures to visualize how the pores are formed and how they are accessible from all sides. A very popular activity and many great structures were built.

Our metal-organic framework building kit. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar
Three-dimensional cubic structure built by our visitors. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar

A 3-D model of a pore of highly ordered mesoporous silica (SiO2) was used to visualize the preferred product of the reaction at the catalyst inside the pore. Children could try out whether the mono macrocycle, the ring dimer, the ring trimer or the long chains of >3 starting molecules fit inside the pore.

A 3-D model of a pore of highly ordered mesoporous silica (SiO2), Photo Credit: CRC1333/E. Rüthlein

The CRC1333 booth also presented general information on our research on several posters, simulations of a metal-organic framework with a catalyst from different perspectives and catalysts in an ionic liquid based two-phase solution as well as a poster and comics from our mascot “Paul die Pore”.

We had a fun and successful Tag der Wissenschaft 2023!

CRC1333 posters explaining our research. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar
Simulations on metal-organic framework with a catalyst and catalysts in an ionic liquid based two-phase solution. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y.Polikar
CRC 1333 science coordinator Elisabeth Rüthlein and researchers Marc Högler, Timo Manitz and Sofia Kolin present the teamwear T-shirts feauturing Paul die Pore, the mascot developed by CRC 1333 researcher Patrick Probst. Photo Credit: CRC1333/Y. Polikar
Paul die Pore poster along with the Paul die Pore comics that were handed out.