“Summer” School 2023

CRC 1333 “Summer” School 2023 took place from March 01 to March 03, 2023 in a snowy setting in Schwangau.

Our Doctoral Representatives Zarfishan Dilruba (A08) and Kuan Meng (C03) organized the meeting in this marvelous setting and we all enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the Outward Bound seminar house “Adlerhorst” and the magnificent views of the mountains in winter.

The program contained short presentations to teaser the posters, some longer presentations by  doctoral researchers after their milestone presentation and postdocs and of course poster sessions as the heart of every “Summer School”. A highlight of the scientific program was our online guest lecture by Prof. Andrew Abbott from the University of Leicester, UK on “Developing a Novel Toolkit for Metal Processing”. Thank you to him for an inspiring talk and to everyone for the active discussion. As additional topic the Summer School featured an intro to science communication by Sam wo also added a fun-practice session on that topic by hosting a science quiz in the evening.

Thank you to Kuan & Zari for their enthusiasm throughout their time as doctoral representatives (from fall 2021!) and for organizing the wonderful trip!

Presentation Awards:
Best Long Presentation: “Science Communication” by Samuel van Gele
Best Poster Teasers: Patricia Sonnenberg (B07), Julia Rauh (A03), Fabian Heck (A03)

Our newly elected doctoral representatives are: Sofia Kolin and Patrick Probst

Welcome to Sofia and Paddi and thanks for representing the team until the next doctoral retreat in fall 2023!