Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Sofia

Sofia Kolin

CRC 1333 researcher Sofia Kolin from project A08 has successfully applied for funding to do research in Australia. The CRC board approved her application for funding within the CRC 1333-funding program for docotoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”.

Sofia will be staying at the University of Adelaide in Australia for three months starting in November 2023, to work on her research project “Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks” within the working group of Dr. Jack Evans.

Dr. Jack Evans is an expert in the field of all-atom (AA) Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations which are used to unravel local diffusion and confinement effects in Metalorganic Frameworks (MOFs). These can only be performed in specialized MD programs, which are currently not used in the MD group that Sofia is working in. She aims to learn to use these programs and to setup, perform and analyze AA MOF simulations during her research stay.

Since Dr. Jack Evans has also developed a statistical analysis of pore size distribution in MOFs, Sofia’s research stay in his group will give her the additional opportunity to analyze the pore size distribution in MOFs used in our CRC, which will lead to a better characterization and understanding of MOFs.

We wish Sofia all the best for her research in Australia!