Research Stay Abroad – Congratulations to Marc

CRC 1333 researcher Marc Schnierle from project C2 has successfully applied for funding to do research in a laboratory in the USA. The CRC board approved his application for funding within theĀ  CRC 1333-funding program for docotoral researchers “Research Stay Abroad”.

Marc will be staying there for 2 months starting January 2022 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Champaign, IL, USA) in the Working Group of Prof. Thomas B. Rauchfuss.

Prof. Thomas B. Rauchfuss is interested in all aspects of the synthesis and reactivity of inorganic, organo-metallic, and main-group compounds and materials.

Marc’s choice for the stay fell on Illinois, because he would like to synthesize 57Fe complexes for enhanced MĆ¶ĆŸbauer sensitivity. Prof. Rauchfuss has significant experience in the high yield synthesis of iron complexes relevant for MĆ¶ĆŸbauer spectroscopy. Addditionaly, he will benefit greatly from the experience in learning advanced synthetic techniques and exposure to different laboratory cultures.

We wish Marc all the best for his research in the USA!