Leadership Training: Working in (intercultural) Teams

An essential part of the CRC 1333 is the collaborative work in interdisciplinary teams. Which dynamics influence the workflow of such a team? What is a team as opposed to a random group of people?

These were just some of the questions asked and answered during the workshop “Working in (intercultural) teams” on 13th October 2020. The workshop is one module of the Female Leadership Seminar which offers female members of the CRC the opportunity to improve on their soft skills thus benefiting from them inside and outside of academia.

We were lucky enough to be able to conduct this workshop as an in-person event by including hygiene measures such as masks and keeping our distance. Nevertheless, productive teamwork was possible without getting too close to one another. Thank you to Karina Abitaev for organizing this event and finding a suitable location.

Together we evaluated which working strategies lead to successful collaboration. By solving a puzzle game, different working strategies were tested and compared. Key to success was always effective communication. We discussed what contributes to successful communication and which pitfalls should be avoided. And as even the most productive teams experience conflicts, problem-solving techniques were also part of the program.

Thank you to Dr. Sabine Horst (QuinteSentio) for coaching and moderating the session.