The CRC 1333 was represented through four different talks: Dr. Johanna Bruckner and Dr. Simon Krause presented on Day 1 on the topics of “Synthesis and Functionalization of Ordered Mesoporous Silica” and “Metal-Organic Frameworks as a Functional Catalyst Platform.”

Photo Credit: CRC 1333

Photo Credit: CRC 1333
Prof. Johannes Kästner and CRC 1333 spokesperson Prof. Michael Buchmeiser delivered presentations on the third day. Their topics covered “Computational Modeling of Catalytic Reactions” and “Tailoring Selectivity with Confinement-Governed Transition States.

To further encourage dialogue at the conference, leading international experts delivered plenary keynote talks on all three days:
- Prof. Vy Maria Dong, University of California, Irvine, USA – Topic: “Choose Your Own Adventure in Metal-Hydride Catalysis” (invited by the CRC 1333)
- Prof. Oliver Kröcher, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland – Topic: “Insights into the mechanism of simultaneous N 2O and NO abatement over iron-zeolites by modulated excitation spectroscopy”
- Prof. Anders Riisager, DTU, Denmark – Topic: “Homogeneous Carbonylation Catalysis in Ionic Liquids – Supported, or Not Supported, that is the question”
- Prof. Marc Robert, Sorbonne Université, France – Topic: “Molecular catalytic (electro, photo)reduction of CO2: from C1 to C2+ products”
- Prof. Iryna Zenyuk, University of California, Irvine, USA, Topic: “Understanding Structure to Property Relations for IrOx Amorphous and Crystaline Catalysts for PEM Water Electrolyzers”
- Prof. Ming-Tian Zhang, Tsinghua University, China – Topic: “Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysts”
- Prof. Antoni Llobet, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, ICIQ, Topic: “Hybrid Molecular Materials for Energy Applications”

Photo Credit: CRC 1441
More than 120 posters were presented, leading to lively discussions. Six of these posters were honored with an award. Among the winners was CRC 1333 doctoral researcher Samuel van Gele, whose poster on the topic “The Devil is in the Details: Pitfalls and Ambiguities in the Analysis of X-ray Powder Diffraction Data of 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks” received a prize of 100 EUR.

Photo Credit: CRC 1441

Photo Credit: CRC 1441
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone involved organizing this event, as well as to all speakers, and participants, for making the 3rd International CataLysis Conference such a successful event.