Women in Science Career Talk – Prof. Janet Bluemel

5:00 pm – 5:45 pm

Online Event
Virtual meeting platform

The “CRC 1333 –  Women in Science Career Talk” series aims to make outstanding female scientists from research fields related to the CRC visible as role models.

It should give young researchers an idea of  the individual career paths of our guests and encourage them to consider pursuing a career in academia irrespective of their gender.

Our guest this time:

Prof. Janet Bluemel
Professor of  Chemistry
Texas A&M University USA

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83594489406?pwd=Qk5ySjd0T1l3VVFjbEY4eldMNmVlUT09

Meeting-ID: 835 9448 9406

Kenncode: 726920


Following her lecture within the CRC colloquium all interested PhD researchers and postdocs are invited to grab a coffee and join in for insights into her career path and for asking questions.