Data Science in Chemistry

The faculty of chemistry will offer a brand new key-competencies (SQ) module on “Data Science in Chemistry: Application and Best Practices”. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss  will start lecturing those in the summer term 2022 for bachelor and master students and all doctoral researchers of the CRC 1333 are cordially invited to join! It will be a great enrichment to have someone as proficient as Prof. Pleiss teach on the principles of Fair Data Management and programming.

SQ BSc Chemie:
• Research data management in chemistry (6 LP, SS 2022)
• Python programming in biology and chemistry (3 LP, SS 2022)
• A practical guide to data management: Python, Jupyter, and more (3 LP, SS 2022)

SQ MSc Chemie:
• A practical guide to data management: Python, Jupyter, and more (3 LP, SS 2022)
• Python programming in biology and chemistry (3 LP, SS 2022)