Congratulations to the entire team of the CRC 1333 on successfully publishing 100 peer-reviewed articles. What a wonderful achievement. Well done!
Since the start of our collaborative research center in 2018 we have grown into a highly collaborating interdisciplinary research team which reflects in almost 40% joint articles.
Today, with a consistently high quality of work we can proudly report numerous publications in leading journals from ACS Catalysis to Angewandte Chemie and Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Additionally we make an effort to publish open access with more than half of our articles accessible openly and also more than 60 corresponding datasets published with DOI.
Also check out our special issues in ChemCatChem and Chem. Eur. J.
Special Issue on “Catalysis in Confined Spaces”
Special Issue on “Contemporary Challenges in Catalysis” (co-edited by CRC 1333 with partners from the CataLysis network)
We look forward to building on that success in the future and we will continue to publish research of high quality and high relevance.